Charlie's Blog: The Crisis of Confidence


The Crisis of Confidence

Calm your nerves and regain your confidence by replacing fiction with fact.

There is this strange phenomenon where someone who knows his thing will contradict that thing later even though no facts have changed. There is no shame in admitting that you're wrong on something. This would be humility. There is shame in contradicting yourself when you're right. I have never understood why people do this. I think these folks have what I call the "crisis of confidence."

I do not believe in confidence. This is because confidence rests on the foundation of feelings. I believe in unintimidation. Unintimidation rests on the foundation of facts. This is why I have learned in my life to ignore feelings and focus on facts. I don't ever experience the crisis of confidence. Facts are what make or break the case for me.

The way to resist the crisis of confidence is to always focus on the facts. Ignore the noise of your feelings and go with what you actually know. This is unintimidation. Unintimidation is when you do not buy the bluff at the poker table because your are holding a royal flush in your hand. Only a fool would fold on such an unbeatable hand, but that is exactly what fools do. Somehow, they have been beguiled into believing they are holding a handful of nothing.

When does this crisis of confidence happen? It usually happens when there is a sales pitch for something, or someone falls into the comparison trap. The antidote is a familiar one. Don't believe the hype. Only believe the facts. Don't look at the chips in the pot but at the cards you are holding in your hand.

Forget confidence. Embrace unintimidation. It will change your life.