Charlie's Blog: Death of the Vegan Evangelist


Death of the Vegan Evangelist

I would rather eat an actual burger.
BHAGYASHREE KATARE, author of a study on plant based meats

Becoming a vegan is an awesome health decision. Becoming a vegan entrepreneur is an awful business decision. The simple fact is that opening a vegan eatery is the fastest way to bankruptcy. You would fare better wagering that capital on the tables in Vegas.

The vegan diet is DOA. It always has been and always will be. Vegans will always remain in the single digits of the population. You can analyze the reasons for this all day, but the actual truth is plain to see. People love the taste of meat, and they would rather die than give it up. Nothing you say to these people will ever change their minds. Not even disease and pending death will change their minds. In fact, they will give up everything else before they give up meat as evidenced by the popularity of the keto and carnivore diets. As for vegans themselves, they have a notoriously high rate of failure as they quit plant based eating.

Why continue spreading the vegan message? It is obviously not being received. It doesn't change the truth or value of that message. People don't want it. The best option at this stage is to let them get sick and die from eating crap.

I am grateful that some people put the vegan message out there because I was receptive. I was resigned to having heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and chronic gastrointestinal issues. Finding out the truth was very empowering for me. I was not at the mercy of "bad genetics." My diet was killing me. I just didn't know it.

People don't want to eat a healthy diet. They want to eat crap and get away with it. I ate crap and got away with it for 41 years until I didn't. Yet, I wish I had gotten the message earlier in my life. I realize that all my vegan evangelism is a vain effort on my part to reach my earlier self. I think I would have listened if people like me had tried harder.

The reality is that it is the few that have ears to hear. The masses are condemned to stupidity. They can't be reached. No amount of information, marketing, or motivation will make a difference. Vegan evangelism is a waste of time, money, and energy.

I will continue to write about plant based eating on this blog. What I will not do is talk about it beyond this blog. I already sit back and listen to people talk about various health issues without saying a word to them that all of this is needless suffering. I recognize these things not as cries for help but as the whining and misery of consequences for actions they are never going to change. When it comes to eating crap, these people are committed. I don't stand in their way.

UPDATE #1: I came across this sick video on YouTube, and I felt so bad for this guy and his stupidity.

Had a Stroke. Got Kicked Out Of The Carnivore Club. But It Is Okay. I Am Happy!

Watch this video and read the ridiculous comments.

UPDATE #2: After hearing and seeing stories of old people dying from Alzheimer's disease and other lingering illnesses, I have come to the conclusion that a life ending heart attack is not the worst way to check out of this life. That heart attack will be quick and save a lot of money on healthcare expenses and ease the burden of geriatric care on families. A coronary at 70 beats dementia at 80. This fact eases my conscience quite a bit on the vegan thing.

UPDATE #3: This is an interesting video from Mic the Vegan on this topic:

Is Veganism Dead?