Charlie's Blog


Pay, Pray, And The Little Way

Pay, pray, and obey.

Once upon a time, "pay, pray, and obey" was good advice for pewsitters who could reasonably expect good things from the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. This was before the Vatican II dumpster fire got lit. Today, there is little demand for prayers and obedience to Church teachings but plenty of demands to give "time, talent, and treasure" in blind obedience to modernists, sodomites, and their semi-modernist enablers. The works of mercy are not the works of Marxism. What is a faithful Catholic to do?

The first and most obvious thing to do is to stop going along with this garbage. A lot of evil can be prevented if you just stop paying for it. Instead, dupes in the pews pay and even engage in raising money without asking any questions about how these funds will be spent. And, if you do not participate, you are targeted with the Catholic Guilt Ray that sears hair and flesh until your priest, bishop, and parish Karens get the blind obedience and cash they demand. They can take that Guilt Ray and cram it as far up their posteriors as they can get it.

The second and less obvious thing to do is find a way to do the good you can. I do not believe in the Church of Zero Activity. What I believe in is the Church of Small Things. Inspired by Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Therese of Lisieux, I recommend doing the Little Way of giving, praying, and showing charity and mercy. Here is what that looks like.

Stop giving to organizations and start giving to individuals. Organizations supposedly help individuals, but they usually just help an administrative staff and Marxism. It would be better to bypass the "middle man" and give to people you know who are going through hard times or could use the help. These are people the Church never helps and never will help, but they will have the stones to ask these people for their time, talent, and treasure. The results are Catholic working families trying to make ends meet while paying to ship in cheap illegal immigrant labor to take their jobs. It is truly sickening to behold.

Once upon a time, the Church provided education and healthcare for these Catholic families from the donations of the faithful. Today, we have Obamacare, the public school system, and parochial schools that are as bad as the public schools. The Roman Catholic Church has abdicated these missions to the secular world. They won't even criticize the world.

People say they pray, but I don't believe it. The only prayers I hear are those dreadful prayers of the people at Mass that sound like a litany of ambiguous social justice garbage and climate change nonsense. The better way is to pray the Rosary for true intentions. This would require actually praying the Rosary each night with your family. If you do this, you will discover the true power of the Rosary. These prayers do more good than you know.

The Boy Scouts used to teach the scouts to perform one good deed per day. This was usually something like helping a little old lady cross the street. Marxists and social justice types scoff at these small acts of service because it gives them no opportunities to make a job for themselves and "administrate." Yet, these tiny acts of charity actually make the world a better place much more than any government agency or NGO.

Saint Therese of Lisieux shows us the way on this. She lamented that she could not do great acts of service, but she could do small acts of service with great love. I have been the recipient of such small acts, and I have never forgotten them. They inspire me to do my own small acts. In time, you will see the many opportunities you have overlooked. The Little Way will change your life.

The Church of Small Things seems insignificant to the Church of Ceaseless Activity. But what good is the Church of Ceaseless Activity accomplishing? A small act that is good beats large acts that are bad. I will now end with a Father Jerk story.

Father Jerk lamented in a homily that parishioners were engaging in "sacrament shopping." I am clueless as to what he meant by that quip. He claimed that parishioners were visiting other parishes that didn't demand anything of them. I will fill in the blank by guessing that he was talking about the Traditional Latin Mass. The appeal of the TLM is it lets "lazy" parishioners get out of being Hannibal Lectors and Extraordinary Monsters. I don't know of any Novus Ordo parish that doesn't demand that people do this crap.

Father Jerk should know that I am not doing any of this no matter where I get my sacraments. I will happily bear the calumny of being one of those lazy parishioners. Patiently enduring these insults is also a work of mercy. I offer it all up to the Lord.


Recycled from the Smoke of Satan blog